Java Program to Check Divisibility

This Java program checks the divisibility of a number by 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11.

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Java programming topics:

Check Divisbilty

A java program that checks wheather the User Given Number is Divisble by 2,3,5,7,11 is as follows

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DivisibilityChecker {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
        int number = scanner.nextInt();

        System.out.println("Choose divisibility checks:");
        System.out.println("1. Check divisibility by 2");
        System.out.println("2. Check divisibility by 3");
        System.out.println("3. Check divisibility by 5");
        System.out.println("4. Check divisibility by 7");
        System.out.println("5. Check divisibility by 11");
        System.out.println("Enter option (1-5): ");

        int option = scanner.nextInt();

        switch (option) {
            case 1:
                if (number % 2 == 0) {
                    System.out.println(number + " is divisible by 2.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(number + " is not divisible by 2.");
            case 2:
                if (number % 3 == 0) {
                    System.out.println(number + " is divisible by 3.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(number + " is not divisible by 3.");
            case 3:
                if (number % 5 == 0) {
                    System.out.println(number + " is divisible by 5.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(number + " is not divisible by 5.");
            case 4:
                if (number % 7 == 0) {
                    System.out.println(number + " is divisible by 7.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(number + " is not divisible by 7.");
            case 5:
                if (number % 11 == 0) {
                    System.out.println(number + " is divisible by 11.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(number + " is not divisible by 11.");
                System.out.println("Invalid option. Please choose a number between 1 and 5.");


Output 1

Enter a number: 14
Choose divisibility checks:
1. Check divisibility by 2
2. Check divisibility by 3
3. Check divisibility by 5
4. Check divisibility by 7
5. Check divisibility by 11
Enter option (1-5): 1
14 is divisible by 2.

Output 2

Enter a number: 27
Choose divisibility checks:
1. Check divisibility by 2
2. Check divisibility by 3
3. Check divisibility by 5
4. Check divisibility by 7
5. Check divisibility by 11
Enter option (1-5): 2
27 is divisible by 3.

Output 3

Enter a number: 45
Choose divisibility checks:
1. Check divisibility by 2
2. Check divisibility by 3
3. Check divisibility by 5
4. Check divisibility by 7
5. Check divisibility by 11
Enter option (1-5): 3
45 is divisible by 5.

Output 4

Enter a number: 33
Choose divisibility checks:
1. Check divisibility by 2
2. Check divisibility by 3
3. Check divisibility by 5
4. Check divisibility by 7
5. Check divisibility by 11
Enter option (1-5): 5
33 is divisible by 11.

Output 5

Enter a number: 18
Choose divisibility checks:
1. Check divisibility by 2
2. Check divisibility by 3
3. Check divisibility by 5
4. Check divisibility by 7
5. Check divisibility by 11
Enter option (1-5): 6
Invalid option. Please choose a number between 1 and 5.

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